We are đŸ«§ Common Loons
Welcome to our gender-fluid suiting company! Our versatile suiting and accessories are perfect for everyday wear, adjusting to any occasion or style. We're not just about fashion - we're passionate about our impact on the environment and community. We collaborate and share information to create transparency and impact in fashion and entrepreneurship. Our goal is to create wardrobes full of bold staples that transcend seasons and style revamps, making getting dressed playful and comfortable.

Our Story
As a black queer womxn in business, Ricci faced a problem: Translating her essence into her wardrobe? Most suiting options were uninspired and traditional, not reflecting her vibrant, versatile identity. Worse, the fashion industry often reinforces heteronormative beliefs. She wanted transitional pieces that expressed who she was 365 days a year without harming the environment or her wallet. While building Common Loons, she felt the impact of the systems reinforcing the industry's problems, forming our mission:
About Loons
The striking black and white plumage of common loons helps them blend in and protect themselves from predators. Similarly, fashion is a form of protection; a way to stand out or fit in. At Common Loons, we believe that clothing should adapt to your personal style and occasion, while still making you feel confident and comfortable on every step of your pursuit.
We're reclaiming the word "loon." Across varying Native American tribes, loons hold spiritual and cultural significance, symbolizing harmony, generosity, and peace. Believed to be divine messengers and Earth-Diver, loons dive to the ocean floor to bring up earth for the Creator to make land. Loons inspire us to thrive in new environments and establish a strong foundation in our communities.
Due to habitat loss and pollution common loons are a symbol of wilderness and environmental protection. They inspire us to be mindful of our impact on the environment. By choosing our eco-friendly fashion options, you can join us in protecting our natural resources and preserving them for future generations.
At Common Loons, we take inspiration from the gender-equal behavior of male and female loons. Just like these beautiful birds, we believe that fashion should be gender-fluid and adaptable to all styles and preferences. Our versatile designs allow you to express yourself and feel confident, regardless of traditional gender roles.