Adaptable clothing that flexes with you

We're a radically reimagined fashion brand that represents people of all gender expressions, ages, races, and sizes. We offer quality, accessible styles and welcoming experiences, with a commitment to leaving the earth better than we found it. Our mission is to cultivate confidence, comfort, and community for all occasions.


Our Why

  • Inclusion

    As a black-queer-womxn owned brand, we understand what it's like to be overlooked. That's why we mean it when we say every body is welcome. Our suits and apparel adapt to your journey, regardless of gender identity, race, religion, age, size, or style. By celebrating our differences, we hope to show the individuality in our commonalities. Diversity is at the core of who we are and who we'll always be. We embrace diverse bodies, races, experiences, and people.
  • Expression

    At our core, we're creatives! We dream, innovate, and create differently. Our suits intersect at quality and affordability. The interchangeable designs and accessories work across seasons and styles, creating bold and colorful staple pieces for your closet. Whether it's an important event or a night out with friends, building a wardrobe with us awakens everyone's inner creative and gives each person the chance to express themselves.
  • Impact

    We strive to make a quantifiable impact on the environment and the economy. As fashion is often associated with inequality, we want to give back more than we take. At Common Loons, we're intentional about reducing waste from manufacturing, packaging, and inventory overages. We also offer educational opportunities and support philanthropic endeavors that promote creativity, access, and empowerment.

Inspired by you. Embodied in us.